The following are the modules I am teaching during the current academic year 2023/2024 at Teesside University:
CIS2031-N - “Artificial Intelligence” (Winter 2023)
CIS4049-N - “Artificial Intelligence Foundations” (Winter 2023)
CIS4035-N - “Machine Learning” (Spring 2024)
CIS2048-N - “Artificial Intelligence” (Spring 2024)
CIS4035-N - “AI Team Project” (Spring 2024)
The following are the modules taught during the academic year 2022/2023 at Teesside University:
ENG1039-N - “Skills Bootcamp in Introduction to AI: from Coding to Machine Learning” (Winter 2022)
CIS2031-N - “Artificial Intelligence” (Winter 2022)
CIS4049-N - “Artificial Intelligence Foundations” (Winter 2022)
CIS4035-N - “Computing Masters Project” - Supervision of 12 M.Sc. Thesis (Winter 2022 - Spring 2023)
CIS4035-N - “Machine Learning” (Spring 2023)
CIS4035-N - “AI Team Project” (Spring 2023)
The following are the modules taught during the academic year 2021/2022 at Teesside University:
ENG1039-N - “Skills Bootcamp on AI and Machine Learning for Business Applications” (Winter 2021)
CIS2031-N - “Artificial Intelligence” (Winter 2021)
CIS4049-N - “Artificial Intelligence Foundations” (Winter 2021)
CIS3022-N - “Applied Machine Learning” (Winter 2021)
CIS4035-N - “Machine Learning” (Spring 2022)
The following are the modules taught during the academic year 2020/2021 at Teesside University:
CIS4035-N - “Machine Learning” (Spring 2021)
CIS1044-N - “How can Machine Learning transform your business” (Spring 2021)
CIS2020-N - “Functional Programming” (Spring 2021)
CIS2031-N - “Artificial Intelligence” (Winter 2020)
CIS4049-N - “Artificial Intelligence Foundations” (Winter 2020)
CIS0003-N - “Information Systems Development” (Winter 2020)
CIS0008-N - “Getting Started with Maths” (Winter 2020)
I currently supervise Paolo Bova, PhD student in Computer Science, working in the area of game theory, agent-based modelling, complex networks, AI safety, Regulatory Markets for AI, and design of incentive mechanisms.
Starting from Sept 2022, I have been appointed as Course Leader for the following undergraduate courses at Teesside University:
“BSc Computer Science” - BSc_(hons)_computer_science.cfm.
“BSc Artificial Intelligence” - BSc_(hons)_artificial_intelligence.cfm.
“BSc Software Engineering” - BSc_(hons)_software_engineering.cfm.
During the academic year 2021-2022, I have been the Course Leader for all the postgraduate AI courses at Teesside University:
“MSc Artificial Intelligence” - MSc_artificial_intelligence.cfm.
“MSc Artificial Intelligence with Data Analytics” - MSc_artificial_intelligence_with_data_analytics.cfm.
“MSc Applied Artificial Intelligence” - MSc_applied_artificial_intelligence.cfm.
[Feb 2020 - Jun 2020] - Teaching Assistant – Module: “Network Theory” – Code: 7CCSMNTH, Credit level 7, Assessment: written examination/s coursework, Credit value: 15, Semester 2 (spring), King’s College London (KCL) – Topics: Network properties: Introduction to Graph theory, random graphs, complex networks. Web and Social Networks: small-world phenomena, cascading behavior, user evaluation in social networks. Network Modelling: Introduction to Queuing theory, Markov Chains, Queuing Networks. Network Optimization: Shortest path algorithms, Spanning Tree, Linear programming. Heuristics. Game theory.
[May 2016 - Sept 2019] - Seminars and Lectures for both postgraduate and undergraduate students on “Game Theory and ICT” - BSc and MSc in Computer and Telecommunications Engineering, University of Catania, Italy. Course: “Design of networks and telecommunications systems”, LM-27, SSD ING-INF/03 - MSc in Telecommunications Engineering” (2016-2017-2018-2019).
[Dec 2019] - Module on “Social Dynamics and Game Theory on Networks” – Computer Laboratory, Department of Computer Science and Technology, University of Cambridge, UK - Topics: game theory, social dilemmas, evolutionary game theory, evolution of cooperation, graph theory, dynamic processes on networks, including social dynamics and epidemic spreading on multilayer networks and real-world complex networks.
[Sept 2022] - Postgraduate Certificate in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education - Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA)
[Oct 2018] - Honorary teaching fellowship in the following subjects (Scientific disciplinary Italian sector ING-INF/03): “Design of networks and telecommunications systems” - MSc in Telecommunications Engineering; “Architectures and technologies of telecommunications systems” - MSc in Computer Engineering, University of Catania, Italy.